South Health District

Ben Hill County Students can receive Flu Vaccine at School

Fitzgerald – Ben Hill County Health Department is part of a statewide initiative again this year to have more students vaccinated against seasonal influenza (flu) by partnering with the Ben Hill County Board of Education to administer the vaccine at local schools.

During the Fall, public health staff will administer the flu shot to all students that returned a signed parental consent form to the school by August 11. “This is a great way to ensure our students are getting vaccinated against this illness,” states Chris Naylor, RN, county nurse manager. “It also saves parents a trip to the health department or doctor’s office.”
Information letters and consent forms will be sent home with each child in their school packet during Open House.

“If we do not receive a consent form back from a parent or guardian, we cannot administer the vaccine to the student,” says Naylor. “Parents should ensure the form is sent back to the school as soon as possible, but no later than August 11.”

Some insurance companies will be billed; however, anyone uninsured will not be charged for the vaccine through our Vaccines for Children program. For more information on the school flu clinics, call Ben Hill County Health Department at 426-5288.

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