South Health District

Baby LUV Hosts Babies 1st Birthday Celebration

Category: Uncategorized

Since the inception of the Baby LUV/PAT Program in 2008, the program has hosted a Babies 1st Birthday Celebration to recognize all of the babies within the program that have survived until their first birthday and beyond.

On November 16, Baby LUV/PAT had its first opportunity to host an in-person Babies 1st Birthday Celebration since the COVID pandemic. There was a total of 69 people in attendance. During the event there were interaction activities, breast-feeding survey, and recognition of all families present.

“The mission of the Baby LUV program has always been to decrease infant mortality rates and improve healthy birthday outcomes in high-risk prenatal and post-partum women through evidenced-based home visiting and education,” explained Tiffany Crowell, Perinatal Executive Director and Baby LUV/Parents As Teachers (PAT) – Healthy Start Program Manager. “As a result, we celebrate all of our babies and clients, because, although they had multiple high-risk factors during their pregnancy along with socioeconomic factors, they did not experience infant deaths and we celebrate all of our babies within the program that reached their birthday milestone.”

The women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. were in attendance and volunteered to help with the Babies 1st Birthday Celebration. Baby LUV was initially created through a March of Dimes grant in 2008 and, as supporters of March of Dimes, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has been supporters and sponsors of this celebration since the inception of the program.

Also in attendance was Mr. Ronald Skrine, Fire Chief Battalion and member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. He is a supporter of the Baby LUV/PAT Healthy Start Fatherhood Program, and has been a speaker at some of the Fatherhood Sessions.

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