South Health District

World TB Day 2014

Each year, we recognize World TB Day on March 24, often with a variety of activities leading up to the official day. This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB).

World TB Day provides the opportunity to raise awareness about TB-related problems and solutions and to support worldwide TB-control efforts. While great strides have been made to control and cure TB, people still get sick and die from this disease in our country. Much more needs to be done to eliminate this disease.

This year CDC selected the theme “Find TB. Treat TB. Working together to eliminate TB.” to highlight that TB is still a life-threatening problem in the United States, despite the declining number of TB cases. Anyone can get TB, and our current efforts to find and treat latent TB infection and TB disease are not sufficient. Misdiagnosis of TB still exists and health care professionals often do not “think TB.”

This World TB Day, we call for further collaboration to find and treat TB. By working together to raise awareness that TB still exists and sharing the personal stories of those people affected by TB, we can bring attention to this public health problem.

This year’s World TB Day theme encourages local and state TB programs to reach out to their communities to raise awareness about TB. We don’t have to fight TB alone; we should partner with others who are also caring for those most at risk for TB such as people with HIV infection or diabetes, and the homeless. Everyone has a role in ensuring that one day TB will be eliminated. CDC and our partners are committed to a world free of TB.

Call for a World Free of TB

The fight to eliminate TB will only be successful if local, state, national, and international partners from all sectors of our society join resources and collaborate to find solutions.

Our united effort is needed to reach those at highest risk for TB and to identify and implement innovative strategies to improve testing and treatment among high-risk populations.

CDC and its domestic and international partners, including the National TB Controllers Association, Stop TB USA, and the global Stop TB Partnership are taking many steps to stop further spread of TB and to reduce the overall burden of the disease. Efforts range from developing new treatment regimens and increasing the capacity of health professionals to provide adequate treatment, to issuing new recommendations for improved testing and treatment for U.S. immigrants.

How You Can Become a Partner in the Fight Against TB

  • Find out more about TB services in your area.
  • Reach out to your community and educate them about TB.

For more information on Turberculosis, call the Adult Health Promotion Clinic at 229-245-8711.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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