South Health District

Echols County Rule IIIA (Minimum Lot Sizes)

Category: Uncategorized

  1. Subdivision Lot Size

To provide for the orderly and safe development of subdivisions utilizing on-site sewage management systems, minimum lot sizes have been established. These lot sizes permit flexibility to suit soil conditions, topography and ground or surface water limitations. The following shows the minimum lot sizes based on the grouping listed in Table CT-2. Larger lot sizes may be required to meet the requirements of these rules in some circumstances.

Soil Groupings* 1 2 3 4 5
For Lots Served by Individual Water Supply 43,560 ft2 (1 acre) 43,560 – 60,000 ft2 (1 – 1.38 acres)
For Lots Served by Public/Community Water Supply 15,000 ft2 (0.344 acres) 20,000 – 30,000 ft2 (0.459 – 0.689 acres)

Table MT-1: Subdivision minimum lot sizes where served by individual on-site sewage management systems and either individual water or public/community water. *Soil Groupings are determined from Table CT-2 below.


  1. Where on-site sewage management systems and approved community or public water systems are used, minimum lot sizes in parenthesis below the appropriate soil groupings can be utilized.
    1. The above lot sizes are for single family residences.
    1. Mobile home lots or spaces located in mobile home parks shall meet the size requirements of MT-2. Mobile home lots located in subdivisions shall meet the above size requirements.
    1. The above minimum lot sizes are for average size homes (3 and 4 bedrooms) with basic appurtenances, i.e, driveway, minimum number of trees, water line.  If larger homes, swimming pools, or tennis courts, etc., are to be constructed or if trees interfere with the installation of on-site sewage management systems the County Board of Health may require larger lots.
    1. Lots shall be a minimum width of one hundred and twenty feet (120’) in the area where an approved on-site sewage management system and replacement system are to be located when served by a public or community water systems.
    1. Lots shall be a minimum width of one hundred feet (100’) in the area where an approved on-site sewage management system and replacement system are to be located when served by a public water system.
    1. The County Board of Health will set specific lot sizes for soil groupings two through five after consideration of the factors effecting the approved installation of an on-site sewage management system and a complete replacement system for each lot. These factors include but are not limited to the availability of sufficient unobstructed land area, accessible by gravity for an approved on-site sewage management system and approved replacement system, slopes of over 5%, percolation rates higher than 45 minutes per inch, need for subsurface drainage and adverse topographic features.
    1. Minimum lot sizes in Table MT-1 will also apply to lots not located within a subdivision.
  • Mobile Home Park Lot Size

Wherever possible, mobile home parks should be served by a central or community sewage system. If each mobile home space or lot is to be served by an individual onsite sewage management system, lot or space requirements shall be as follows:

Soil Groupings* 1 2 3 4 5
For Mobile Home Lots/Spaces Served by Public/Community Water Supply 10,000 ft2 (0.23 acres) 13,000 – 20,000 ft2 (0.298 – 0.459 acres)

Table MT-2: Mobile home park minimum lot or space sizes where served by a public or community water system and individual onsite sewage management systems.


  • Mobile home lots located in subdivisions shall meet the size requirements of Table MT-1.
    • Size requirements are for lots or spaces located in Mobile Home Parks where each Mobile Home unit is served by an on-site sewage management system.
    • The County Board of Health will set specific lot sizes for soil groupings two through five after consideration of the factors effecting the approved installation of an on-site sewage management system and a complete replacement system for each lot. These factors include but are not limited to the availability of sufficient unobstructed land area, accessible by gravity for an approved on-site sewage management system and approved replacement system, slopes over 5%, percolation rates higher than 45 minutes per inch, need for subsurface drainage and adverse topographical features.

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