Fatherhood Initiative
When & Where:
Every Thursday 6:00PM – 8:00PM via Zoom Meeting ID: 864 6829 9081 Passcode: 514301
12-Week Program covering the 24/7 Dad Curriculum, Access to Fatherhood resources and services, networking, job fairs, gift card awards. May vary based on availability.
A father between the ages of 15-60 residing in Lowndes, Brooks & Echols Counties in Georgia, parenting a new born child 0-18 months years old. Participants are encouraged to attend all classes.
BabyLUV Fatherhood Initiative Dads Receive the following:
- National Fatherhood 24/7 Dad Curriculum
- Child Care Resources and Services
- Housing Referrals
- Financial Literacy
- Job Readiness
- Educational Support: Reading, HS/or GED
- Legal Information
- Health & Wellness and more.
If you would like to learn more about the Fatherhood Program, to become a part of the Fatherhood Program, or to participate in these sessions please contact Frank Johnson at 229-594-6524 (office) or 229-375-3680 (cell) to receive Zoom link.